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by lamentofor1977 2020. 3. 22. 21:10


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will suspend evictions of foreclosed single-family properties during the holidays from Dec. 17, 2014 though Jan. Families living in foreclosed properties will be allowed to remain in the home, although legal and administrative proceedings for evictions may continue. “As in previous years, we believe it is important to extend the timeline of help for struggling borrowers during the holidays,” said Joy Cianci, senior vice president of credit portfolio management for Fannie Mae. “If you are in trouble or facing foreclosure, reach out to Fannie Mae or your servicer today to get help. There are more options than ever before to avoid foreclosure.

We want to help struggling borrowers whenever possible.”. It has been some time since my on Fannie and Freddie. After eight weeks in Court, it appears as though the AIG trial, in which former AIG CEO Maurice (“Hank”) Greenberg is mounting a challenge to recover some $40 billion for shareholders from the United States, by attacking all the steps in the multi-billion U.S., initiated in September 2008, which started at $85 billion, but may have run to as much as $180 billion by May 2009. While separate arguments, there are some instructive elements to contrast the developments in the ongoing AIG dispute with those in connection with the multiple lawsuits brought by the private shareholders (both junior preferreds and common) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac against both the Federal Housing Finance Authority (FHFA) and the United States Treasury. That comparison in turn sets the stage for discussion of two other issues: the recent motion by the Rafter litigation plaintiffs (including Pershing Square Capital Management), as friends of the court and holders of Fannie and Freddie common stock, in opposition of the government’s in Fairholme’s takings claim before Judge Margaret Sweeney in the Court of Federal Claims (CFC) and a recent by Sen.

Tim Johnson (D-SD), the outgoing chairman of the Senate Banking Committee that: “Everyone agrees that conservatorship cannot continue forever, so I hope my colleagues will keep working towards a more certain future for the housing market. However, if Congress cannot agree on a smooth, more certain path forward, I urge you, Director Watt, to engage the Treasury Department in talks to end the conservatorship.” All these points are interrelated. As ever, I write about these issues as an advisor to several institutional investors with an interest in Fannie and Freddie.

I have no similar involvement with AIG. Great job Senator Warren for putting the pressure on FHFA head Mel Watt! And will let borrowers who have gone through foreclosure buy back their homes at market prices under a policy shift announced by the regulator for the two U.S.-owned companies. The change outlined by the in a statement today essentially gives some people who owe more than their homes are worth a way to cut mortgage debt. The step follows criticism consumer groups and some Democratic lawmakers who have called for broader principal reduction for homeowners. “This is a targeted, but important policy change that should help reduce property vacancies and stabilize home values and neighborhoods,” FHFA Director Melvin L. Watt said in the agency’s statement.

Law360, New York (November 24, 2014, 5:00 PM ET) — The Federal Housing Finance Agency on Monday announced that the maximum loan that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can guarantee in 2015 will remain, for the most part, unchanged from this year. The FHFA, which serves as both conservator for the two bailed-out government-sponsored enterprises and their regulator, said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be able to guarantee mortgages valued as high as $417,000 in most counties around the United States. The so-called conforming loan limit will go up in 46 states where housing Source. CLEVELAND (CN) – The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System failed to prove Freddie Mac concealed a $2 billion loss on risky mortgages from investors before a 2007 financial report set its stocks reeling, a federal judge ruled.

The retirement system, alternately known as OPERS, sued the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation in January 2008, alleging that the government-sponsored mortgage broker lied about the number of “subprime” loans it purchased in 2006 and 2007. Following the release of a financial statement revealing a $2 billion loss on November 20, 2007, Freddie Mac’s stock dropped 29 percent in one day, resulting in shareholder losses of over $6.6 billion. In its complaint OPERS claimed “the drop in stock price ‘confirms empirically that the market was previously unaware of the full extent of Freddie Mac’s exposure to, and risk from, non-traditional mortgages,” while Freddie Mac blamed the price drop on the financial crisis. District Court Judge Benita Y. Pearson cited several of Freddie Mac’s annual reports in her opinion, pointing out how their disclosures run counter the plaintiff’s argument.

She wrote: “before November 2007, Freddie Mac had already disclosed that it was increasing its purchase of non-traditional mortgages products that may default more often.”. Callie Dosberg 202-752-3117 WASHINGTON, DC – Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTC) and Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today jointly announced that the first chief executive officer (CEO) has been named for Common Securitization Solutions, LLC (CSS), which was established by the companies to build and operate the Common Securitization Platform (CSP), a new secondary mortgage market infrastructure. Additionally, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac each appointed two executives to the CSS Board of Managers and signed governance and operating agreements for CSS. Applegate, who led both GMAC Mortgage and GMAC Bank during a 17-year career at General Motors Acceptance Corporation, has been appointed chief executive officer of CSS. Applegate brings more than 20 years of mortgage and banking experience to his new leadership role at CSS.

Prior to joining CSS, Applegate was president, CEO and director of Homeward Residential, Inc., a Dallas-based mortgage lender and servicer with assets of $4.5 billion and a global workforce of 3,000. Previously, he was president of GMAC Mortgage and chairman of GMAC Bank from 2000-2007. At GMAC Mortgage, Applegate assembled a strong executive team that transformed the company into an industry leader. Applegate also served as president of mortgage insurer Radian Guaranty Inc., and managed a consulting practice with major financial services clients. Jerry Weiss, Freddie Mac Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, said, “I am delighted that CSS will have a leader of such stature and quality. David Applegate will help ensure that CSS forms a sound foundation on which to rebuild the infrastructure of the country’s secondary mortgage market and launch a single security.

Freddie Mac is pleased to be playing a leading role in this important project.” “CSS is poised to take the next steps in building a future securitization infrastructure,” said Andrew Bon Salle, Fannie Mae Executive Vice President, Single-Family Underwriting, Pricing and Capital Markets. “David Applegate is a respected leader in the industry who will bring deep expertise in mortgage finance to CSS. Fannie Mae looks forward to working with CSS, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to lay the foundation for a strong housing finance system for the future.” Appointments to the CSS Board of Managers are: David Lowman, Freddie Mac Executive Vice President, Single-Family Business David Lowman has served as executive vice president for Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Business since May 2013 and is a member of the company’s senior operating committee.

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As head of Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Business, Lowman has broad responsibility for the line of business, including managing the company’s relationships with its Seller/Servicers, the performance of Freddie Mac’s guarantee book of business, securitization of new business, and all sourcing, servicing and business operations. Lowman has worked in the mortgage and consumer finance business for over 30 years, serving at some of the nation’s largest mortgage operations. Jerry Weiss, Freddie Mac Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer Jerry Weiss has served as executive vice president and chief administrative officer since July 2010 and is a member of Freddie Mac’s senior operating committee. Weiss has overall responsibility for managing the Freddie Mac’s external and regulatory affairs and serves as the company’s senior executive liaison to the FHFA and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

He also manages Freddie Mac’s Strategic Initiatives division, overseeing all significant conservatorship and corporate strategic initiatives. Weiss has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry and joined Freddie Mac in October 2003.

Terry Edwards, Fannie Mae Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Terry Edwards has served as Fannie Mae’s executive vice president and chief operating officer since 2013. He joined Fannie Mae in September 2009 to lead the company’s foreclosure prevention and loss mitigation activities for its single-family book of business. Prior to that, Edwards was president and CEO of PHH Corporation, where he served for nearly three decades in a variety of executive roles. Rick Sorkin, Fannie Mae Senior Vice President, Single-Family Pricing Strategy and Structured Transactions Rick Sorkin has served as Fannie Mae’s senior vice president – single-family pricing strategy and structured transactions since April of 2014. Previously, he was vice president of structured transactions.

Sorkin’s pricing strategy team sets and implements single-family guaranty pricing terms for whole loan and mortgage-backed securities business. He also is responsible for overseeing the issuance and product development of mortgage-backed structured transactions. Over the past 10 years, his team has issued more than $4 trillion in structured securities. He joined Fannie Mae in 1989. Common Securitization Solutions, LLC is a jointly owned limited liability company formed between Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the purpose of designing, developing, building and operating the CSP. Common Securitization Solutions is equally owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and represents an important milestone in FHFA’s goal of building a new secondary market infrastructure. The intention of the CSP is to replace certain elements of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac proprietary systems for securitizing mortgages and performing associated back-office and administrative functions.

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The FHFA’s 2014 Strategic Plan for the Conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac includes the goal of developing a single Enterprise mortgage-backed security as part of the efforts to build the CSP. Finally, do you recognize the name David Lowman on CSS Board?

David Lowman was the who was for the duel tracking mess that Chase created in the foreclosure crisis and overcharging the active duty soldiers on loans. Lowman was in the hot seat on Capitol Hill when he testified in front of Congress. Remember this infamous testimony? “Come to me,” said David Lowman, chief executive for JPMorgan Chase’s home mortgage business in response to the question to where struggling homeowners can go to for help from Congressman Barney Frank. Check out a man attempting to show Mr.

Lowman his collection letter from Chase: And Mr. Lowmans’ testimony to the Senate which provoked furious gallery protest by homeowners. And this man is on the new Fannie, Freddie subsidiary? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have taken another step in the development and day-to-day management of a single GSE bond by joining together in the formation of a new company. The two companies established Common Securitization Solutions, a jointly owned limited liability company, with the goal of facilitating the design and eventual implementation of the single GSE bond through the Common Securitization Platform.

Common Securitization Solutions will operate the Common Securitization Platform once it is established, although there has been no acknowledgment of a specific timeline for the development of either the single GSE bond or the Common Securitization Platform to this point. When the GSE’s conservator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, released its proposal for the “Single Security”, the agency said that it would take “multiple years” to build the single security.

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